
Friday, April 23, 2021

Math Problems To Do With Food


This is a slideshow that I made, I made this slideshow because I am doing the summer learning journey and one of the activity's was to make 4 math problems to do with food. I hope you like the math problems, and if you have any feedback please comment below. 

Monday, April 19, 2021

My Favorite Cartoon Characters


This is a picture I drew of Winnie the pooh, piglet, and eeyore. I drew these characters because they are my favorite cartoon characters. I like the characters Winnie the pooh, piglet, and eeyore because they are very cute and have very cool personality's.  

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Endangered Animals



 This is my one of the things I have learnt this week. I learnt about how the Orange Bellied Parrot and how it is one the very endangered animals in the world. 

This is another animal I have learnt about, the White-Clawed Crayfish, it is again endangered very badly. 

The last animal I learnt about was the endangered Bengal Tiger.   

Wednesday, April 7, 2021



This is a google drawing about sailing. We went on a really cool sailing trip. If you have any feedback please comment below. 


 This is a google drawing I have created about camp, we went to Hanmer for camp. Here are some of the activity's we did. Please leave a comment below to show your feedback.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Making Equivalent Fractions

This is a Screencasterfy that explains how to find 
equivalent fractions in a number, this is a really 
quick and easy way. If you like/dislike this 
screencasterfy or have some feedback please 
comment down below.